The Practice Center: Master the 'how' of forgiveness & mindful living.

Welcome to The Practice Center: Your Hub for Mindful Living.

  • Mindfulness, at The Practice Center, is more than just being in the present moment. It's about showing up fully, being authentically you, without judgement or agenda. It's the raw and real process of observing your thoughts and feelings as they are, not as you think they should be. It's the courage to meet chaos with calm, and the willingness to embrace whatever comes, gritty and beautiful alike. Mindfulness is the ultimate act of rebellion against a world that demands you to be anything but yourself. It's living each moment with acceptance, compassion, and a dash of audacious irreverence, all served up on the platter of the present. Because here at The Practice Center, we believe that the real journey is inward, and mindfulness is your trusty compass.

  • At The Practice Center, forgiveness isn't merely letting go of past grudges or pardoning wrongs. It's about reclaiming your power from the experiences that have held you captive. It's a bold journey inward, confronting the pains that have been and choosing to no longer let them dictate your present. Here, forgiveness is the gritty, empowering act of acknowledging the past, embracing the lessons, and choosing your own narrative moving forward. Because forgiveness isn't about them, it's about you, taking control, one breath at a time.

  • Attitudinal Healing, in The Practice Center's philosophy, is about more than just fixing what's broken. It's a transformative process that embraces the idea that our attitudes, not our circumstances, define our experiences. It's recognizing that you have the power to choose your responses to life's challenges, no matter how tough they might be. It's about refusing to be a passive participant in your own life and deciding to own your attitude. Because here, we believe that every moment offers an opportunity to choose love over fear, acceptance over judgment, and hope over despair.

What is:

Meet the Facilitators

Meet our dedicated facilitators, your companions and guides for this profound experience. Our expert mindfulness facilitators are dedicated to fostering self-awareness and compassion, are ready to guide you on this profound journey, helping you navigate your personal narrative towards forgiveness and healing.

Mindfulness Facilitator Darby
Mindfulness facilitator Judith
Mindfulness Facilitator Alison

Ready for a lighter step in your journey? You're exactly where you need to be. Step into our tailored sessions on mindfulness, forgiveness, attitudinal healing, and personal growth. Remember to interact with our inspiring resources, facilitators and practice tools! When you’re ready, pick your path and start practicing - we'll be there to practice with you.

Explore Our YouTube Channel for Mindfulness Tips! 🍃

Dive into mindfulness, forgiveness, and holistic healing with us. Our mission: guiding you to find calm amidst life's storms. Explore transformative workshops and tools for your inner journey. Subscribe for genuine, impactful content as we walk this path of growth together.

Your journey can inspire a ripple of change. How has your path at The Practice Center influenced your life? Share your story, it might just be the light someone else needs to start their own journey.

Hear Real Stories Of Change

  • My experience as the Practice Center intern has been beneficial in the sense that I had a different perspective on the entire process. I had the opportunity to observe & learn from the facilitators through their experiences. I'm grateful to have developed new skills that involve being in-tune with myself, allowing myself to feel my emotions, & approaching situations with a different attitude. These skills have helped me understand myself better & presented the areas that need more focus. I’ve slowly applied short breathing exercises to help recenter myself & clear my mind, and I have also strived to apply the 12 Principles of AH throughout the day to set my intentions the right way. Given that I’ve been with the Practice Center for only a few months, I’m still fairly new to the entire concept. For now I’m focusing on being consistent as much as possible with the practice.

    ~Tori, TPC Intern 2021

Tori’s Story

  • Every exercise and discussion reinforced my "Attitude of Gratitude." There were some introspective/painful recollections that helped release tensions carried for years. It's like an emotional massage that reveals knots of resistance. The relief is in the practice. JoYi is a very talented facilitator with incisive questions that lead to enlightenment. One step at a time...

    ~Mike Curtis

Mike’s Story

  • I joined and chose to experience this group because I was looking for new and innovative tools to help our organizations Hawaiian youth break the cycle of poverty by addressing the root causes of their trauma. As a human services practitioner, it is easier to look for solutions for others while avoiding your own trauma. I found, however, how important it was to dedicate time sufficient to my personal healing, health, and well-being. After experiencing JoYi's Mindful Forgiveness workshop, I have become more self-aware of my actions caused by personal grievances, and how to break through those experiences with new tools (mainly breathing, reflecting, and seeing new perspectives) that have supported my journey toward healing and console against self-realized behaviors caused by my personal trauma. I know this workshop will help our beneficiaries as much as it has personally helped me. Mahalo, JoYi!

    ~Kimo K. Carvalho

Kimo’s Story

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